
Instructions To Authors


Edition, publication and direction are honorary.In case of any legal dispute jurisdiction will be in Thane court only.Opinion expressed in Entire Research does not reflect the policies or views of this journal, but of the individual contributors. The authors are solely responsible for the details and statements in their Research papers or articles. This journal publishes articles of all the disciplines and hence it does not fall under any particular profession. Entire Research will be regularly published on first day of January, April, July and October of every year. Please note that Entire Research will publish only one article a year from any given subscriber.
Dear Madam/Sir,
This International research journal is aiming to publish various research works done by emminent research scholars in all fields of their respective subjects. Our research journal will give a platform to all upcoming researchers. The paper published in this journal will come from prominent personalities in different fields of education.
Information About Papers
  • Undertaking by the researcher.
  • The paper should be original and not published in any journal or magazine.
  • The paper should be in prescribed format given by us.
  • Guidelines to Authors
    Length of the Article should be between 5,000 and 10,000 words. Book review essays should be 3,500 to 5,000 words. Please note that the word counts are inclusive of footnotes.
    Titles should be short and specific. Subtitles may be used to amplify the main title.
    Author List
    The affiliations of each author must be given. If an author's present affiliation is different from that under which the work was done, both should be given. The name of the corresponding author should be marked with an asterisk (*). The editorial office retains the right to limit the number of authors appearing on the title page. Writing groups may wish to list the group name instead of an author list. If individual members of such a group wish to be credited with authorship on PubMed, a full list of the authors (clearly identifying the PIs and corresponding author) must be uploaded as a ‘support document (not for publication)’ during the online submission process.
    The summary should be no more than 250 words and consist of four sections labelled Background, Methods, Results and Conclusions. They should briefly describe the problem addressed, how the study was performed, the salient results and what conclusions can be made from the results. Three to ten keywords should be added to the end of the Summary.
    Key Messages/Words
    Please include a key messages box with the five key messages or key words at the beginning of the article.
    Main Document
  • The main document should be submitted as an editable word document (not as a pdf).
  • Manuscripts should be double spaced with margins of 2.5cm.
  • All pages should be numbered.
  • Numbers followed by a unit should be written as figures, as should all numbers above nine. Figures should not be used to start a sentence and those between 999 and 9999 should not be separated by spaces or commas while those over 10 000 should have a space after the thousand.
  • Per cent should be written as % throughout.
  • 1 Full points should not be used after initials or contractions: J Jones, FRCS, 17 g, dl, Dr, etc.
  • Pages/Font
    Pages should be numbered sequentially and submitted in Word format, in Arial, 11-point font and double-spaced. There should only be one hard return after paragraphs. The first line of each paragraph should be indented, except those immediately following section headers.
  • Footnotes are not permitted in the main body of papers (they may only be used in tables and figures). Instead, authors should provide a list of references.
  • References in Vancouver Style should be listed in the order they appear in the text and numbered accordingly. These numbers should be inserted in the text in brackets whenever a reference is cited.
  • The numbered list of references should appear at the end of the article and should consist of the surnames and initials of all authors when Three or less (when four or more list just three and add et al., title of article, name of journal abbreviated according to Index Medicus (IM) style, year, volume, first and last page numbers.
  • Titles of books should be followed by the place of publication, the publisher, and the year.
  • 5 Unpublished Observations', 'Personal Communications' and submitted manuscripts may be cited and should appear appropriately marked in the text, but not in the reference list. Manuscripts in press may be cited in the references and details added on proof if possible.
  • Tables
  • Tables should be submitted in editable Word or Excel format (not pdf).
  • Tables should be numbered consecutively in Roman numerals and should be kept separate from the text.
  • Particular care should be taken to make tables self-explanatory with adequate headings and footnotes.
  • The position of each table in the text should be indicated.
  • Figures
  • Figures should be submitted in editable image formats (such as jpg or tiff, not pdf).
  • Illustrations should be numbered and given suitable legends.
  • They should be kept separate from the text.
  • As standard figures appear in black and white in print, and in colour online. There is no charge for this.
  • Abbreviations/ Acronyms
    The use of acronyms should be kept to a minimum. Words to be abbreviated (acronyms) should be spelled out in full the first time they appear in the text with the abbreviations in brackets. Thereafter the abbreviation should be used.
    As a general rule, material of this nature should be incorporated in the text but separate sections can be published after the main text.
    Supplementary Material
  • Supplementary material that is not essential for inclusion in the full text of the manuscript, but would nevertheless benefit the reader, can be made available by the publisher as online-only content, linked to the online manuscript.
  • The material should not be essential to understanding the conclusions of the paper.
  • Such information might include more detailed methods, extended data sets/data analysis, or additional figures (including colour).
  • All text and figures must be provided in suitable electronic formats. Permitted formats: PDF (.pdf), MS Word (.doc), HTML (.html), RTF (.rtf), MS Excel (.xls), CSV, mp3, mpeg.
  • Please provide short (2-4 word) titles for each individual file - these will be used to create links to the files from the index page.
  • All material to be considered as Supplementary Data must be submitted at the same time as the main manuscript for peer review. It cannot be altered or replaced after the paper has been accepted for publication.
  • Please ensure that the Supplementary Material is referred to in the main manuscript where necessary.
  • Statistical Manuscripts
    The correct preparation of statistical manuscripts is particularly important and the precise nature and position of each symbol must be clear. In general, distinction should be made between:
  • capitals and small letters;
  • ordinary and bold-faced letters;
  • Certain Greek letters and similar roman letters;
  • subscripts, superscripts and 'ordinary' symbols. Statistical symbols are automatically set in italics and need not be underlined except to prevent ambiguity, e.g. when an isolated letter, such as a, occurs in the text. Symbols should not be used to start a sentence.
  • Copy Editing
    All accepted manuscripts are subject to copy editing.
    The corresponding author will receive a pdf proof of the article. Proof correction must not be used as an opportunity to revise the paper. Any essential changes should take up the same amount of space if possible. Alterations, other than corrections of printer's errors, are expensive and may be charged to authors. Corrections should be returned within 3 days to guarantee inclusion. It is particularly important to check reference and author lists at the proof stage, as this is the final opportunity to catch errors prior to publication. Any errors that are not identified at the proof stage are very difficult to correct subsequently, particularly in third-party databases, such as PubMed. The Editors reserve the right to make minor grammatical and other changes at any stage before publication. These are sometimes necessary to make the paper conform to the general style of the Journal.
    Alterations and Revisions
    If the Editor is of the opinion that an article provisionally accepted for publication needs minor revisions - including minor shortening, correction of errors in punctuation, spelling and style - such proposed changes will be made by the Editors and will not be resubmitted to the author for approval prior to publication if they do not alter the meaning or sense of the original manuscript. Authors may be asked to resubmit articles in response to the peer review evaluation.